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Your Questions Answered

We understand that you might have questions, and we're here to provide answers. To assist you, we've meticulously compiled a detailed FAQ section. This resource is designed to address many common questions we frequently encounter.

Dive into a Wealth of Information

Our FAQ guide is a comprehensive resource designed to address the most common questions we receive from our valued customers.

From loan options, application processes, to repayment terms, our FAQ section is a one-stop solution for all your queries.

Constantly Updated for Your Convenience

At Superloans, we're committed to keeping our FAQ section up-to-date with the latest information and new queries that arise. This way, you can stay informed about any changes or developments in our services.

Easy Navigation for Quick Answers

We've organised our FAQs into categories for easy navigation, ensuring you find the answers you're looking for quickly and efficiently.

Each question is answered with clear, concise information to help you understand the ins and outs of our services at Superloans.

Your Questions Matter to Us

Every question you have is important, and our FAQ guide reflects our dedication to providing thorough and accurate information. If you don’t find the answer you're looking for, contact us directly in the web chat.

Buck is thinking

Common FAQ's

Do you loan to beneficiaries?

At Superloans, we recognise that life can bring unexpected challenges, and sometimes, financial assistance is needed, especially for individuals on a fixed income. We are here to provide support when you need it most. If you are currently on a benefit and require a cash loan, here are the details you should know:

  1. Assistance for Beneficiaries: We understand that unexpected expenses can arise, and it's not always easy to cover them while on a benefit. That's why we offer cash loans to individuals in this situation.

  2. Loan Options for All Budgets: We believe in catering to our customers' diverse financial needs. Superloans provides a range of loan options with our Express Personal Loan or Pawn Loan, designed for beneficiaries. Whether you need a small short-term loan or a larger one with more flexibility, we have you covered.

  3. First-Time Customers: If you are new to Superloans, we have a special offer for you. Your First Loan is Free, which means you won't incur any interest or fees on your initial loan. It's our way of welcoming you and making the lending process easier.

I'm self-employed. Can I get a loan?

Flexible Financing for Self-Employed

Pawn Loan: Perfect if you're self-employed

As a self-employed individual, you need a loan that understands and adapts to your business needs. Superloans offers just that with our Pawn Loan, providing the flexibility essential for the self-employed.

Express Loan: For Those with Regular Payments

Alternatively, if you're in a situation where you receive regular payments, like subcontracting, and meet our other criteria, an Express Loan could be the right fit for you. It's designed for those who have a more consistent income flow.

Explore Your Loan Options Today

Ready to find out which loan best suits your situation? Apply now and see if you qualify.

How old do I need to be?

To be eligible for an Express or Pawn Loan with Superloans, you must be 18 or older. This age requirement ensures that our services are provided to individuals who meet the legal age criteria.

What ID do you accept?

At Superloans, we have a comprehensive ID acceptance policy that covers both New Zealand and Overseas issued IDs. Here's a detailed breakdown of what we accept and what we cannot accept:

Accepted IDs:

  1. Driver's License: We accept valid Driver's Licenses as a valid form of identification.

  2. Passport: A valid Passport is also accepted as a legitimate ID for our services.

  3. Firearms License: If you have a valid Firearms License, it's an accepted form of identification.

  4. 18+ Card with Birth Certificate: We accept an 18+ Card as long as it is presented along with a Birth Certificate.

In some cases, we may consider accepting a copy of your ID if it is easily readable and meets our identification requirements.

IDs we cannot accept:

  1. 18+ Card without a Birth Certificate: An 18+ Card is only accepted when presented with a Birth Certificate. We cannot accept it on its own.

  2. Work Issued IDs: We do not accept IDs issued by employers or workplaces.

  3. IDs that have expired more than 1 year ago: We cannot accept IDs that have expired more than 1 year ago. It must be currently valid.

Please ensure that your ID falls within our accepted categories to facilitate smooth transactions with Superloans. If you have any doubts about your ID's eligibility, don't hesitate to reach out to us for clarification.

Can I pay for my loan in cash?

Yes, Cash Payments are OK for either the Express or Pawn Loans

Conveniently Check Your Balance Online

First, easily find out what you owe using our user-friendly online tool, My Superloans. It's a quick and efficient way to keep track of your loan balance and any upcoming payments.

Visit Us for Hassle-Free Cash Payments

Once you know your balance, please drop by with your cash payment. Our friendly staff will happily assist you, ensuring a smooth and straightforward transaction.

Where do I download the My Superloans app?

 The My Superloans App is designed to make managing your loans convenient and hassle-free. It's available at no cost for both Apple and Android users.

  • For Apple Users:

    • Get your iPhone or iPad app at the App Store
  • For Android Users:

    • Download the app for your Android device at Google Play

Stay in control of your finances with ease, access your account information, and manage your loans directly from your smartphone or tablet.

I can't log in to My Superloans

Troubleshooting Login Issues for My Superloans

  1. Password Issue:

    • Visit the website of the social media platform you utilize for logging into My Superloans.
    • Follow the platform's procedures to update your password.
    • Once your password is reset, enter the new password on the My Superloans login page to gain access.
  2. Account Issue:

    • If you cannot access the account you initially registered with, a visit to our branch is necessary for account resetting.
    • Please note that this procedure cannot be conducted remotely.
    • Alternatively, you may resolve any issues directly with the social media platform you initially used for registration.

Free Loan FAQs

How much can I borrow?


Explore Superloans' Special Welcome Offer for New Customers

Grab Your First Loan up to $500, Completely Free!

Unlock Your First Free Loan at Superloans: As a newcomer, you're in for a treat! Eligible for a first-time Free Loan of up to $500, you'll enjoy this perk without the burden of interest or fees. This unique offer seamlessly supports your immediate financial needs, allowing you to breathe more easily without worrying about extra costs.

Express Loan Application Made Easy: Our Express Loan process is designed with you in mind, ensuring a smooth experience whether you choose to apply online or in person at one of our branches. The amount you qualify to borrow through this hassle-free loan is carefully determined based on our responsible lending criteria, which consider various aspects of your financial health to ensure the loan is manageable and suited to your situation.

Pawn Loan: A Quick, Secure Option: If you're looking for an immediate loan and have assets, a Pawn Loan could be your best bet. Use your item as collateral to secure a Pawn Loan, free of charge for your first time. The amount available to you through a Pawn Loan is directly related to the appraised value of your collateral, with a generous cap of up to $500. It's a straightforward, secure method to fulfil your financial needs promptly.


Do you do credit checks?

Understanding Our Credit Check Process During Application

At Superloans, our Free Loan application assessment includes a comprehensive credit check. This step is integral to our dedication to responsible lending, aligning with our Responsible Lending Guidelines.

Here's a detailed breakdown of our approach:

  1. Credit Check: We thoroughly review your credit history as part of the Free Loan application process.

  2. Holistic Assessment: Beyond the credit check, we consider various other factors for a Free Loan. Our focus is not solely on your credit rating but also your financial situation. This holistic approach ensures a fair and balanced evaluation.

  3. Accommodating Varied Credit Histories: If you have concerns about your credit rating, especially if it's less than perfect, we encourage you to visit our Bad Credit Loan page. Here, you'll find tailored options that suit your circumstances, even with a challenging credit history.


Can I repay my Free Loan early?

You have the flexibility to pay back your Free Loan early at Superloans, and the great news is that you won't incur any penalties or additional fees for doing so. We actively encourage our customers to repay their Free Loans quickly. Paying off your loan ahead of schedule can be a financially savvy move, as it reduces your time in debt.

Here’s a more detailed look at the process:

  1. Check Loan Balance: First, log in to My Superloans to check your current Free Loan balance.

  2. Decide Repayment Amount: You can make a partial prepayment or pay off the balance. There’s no minimum amount for early repayment, so you have the flexibility to pay as much as you can afford.

  3. Make the Payment: You can repay early through My Superloans or by visiting a Superloans branch

  4. No Penalties or Extra Fees: Unlike some lenders, Superloans does not charge any penalties or extra fees for early repayment, allowing you to reduce your debt without additional costs.

Express Application FAQs

What's the criteria for an Express Loan?

Your Pathway to Superloans Express Loan: Meet the Eligibility Criteria

Unlocking access to Superloans Express Loans begins by meeting our straightforward eligibility criteria. We aim to ensure that our loans are accessible and suitable for your needs. If you're considering an Express Loan, here’s what you need to check:

Minimum Income Requirement: Are you earning at least $400 weekly after tax? This income can combine your salary, wages, or benefits, making our loans flexible for various financial backgrounds.

Residency Criteria: Living in the Wellington or Hawkes Bay regions? This local residency is essential for our loan eligibility, ensuring we serve our community members effectively.

Direct Income Credit: We require your income, whether from a job or benefits, to be directly credited to your personal bank account. This process ensures a smooth financial transaction.

Internet Banking Access: In today’s digital age, having internet banking is crucial. If you haven’t set this up yet, it's a quick fix - a visit to your bank or a simple online setup can get you ready in no time.

Valid Photo Identification: Clear identification is key. Can you provide a photo ID like a driver's license, passport, 18+ card, birth certificate, or firearms license? This step is vital for verifying your identity.

Employment Stability: If you're employed, have you been in your current job for at least 30 days? This requirement helps us assess your financial stability.

Proof of Address: A recent document showing your address, such as a utility bill or a bank or government department statement, helps us confirm your residency.

Reliable Contact Numbers: Your contact information, including a personal phone number and an alternative number (perhaps of a family member or friend), is crucial for effective communication.

Meeting these criteria is your first step towards securing a Superloans Express Loan. We strive to make our loans accessible while ensuring responsible lending. If you tick all these boxes, you’re well on your way to getting the financial support you need with Superloans.

Do you do a credit check for an Express Loan?

Understanding Your Financial History - More Than Just a Credit Score:

At Superloans, responsible lending is foundational. Every new loan application includes a mandatory credit check, a vital step in understanding your financial background. However, our approach is multi-dimensional:

  • Beyond Just a Number: We recognise that your credit score, whilst important, isn't the sole factor in our decision-making process. A low score isn't an automatic barrier to loan approval.

  • Personalised Discussions: Defaults or collections on your credit report? We'll talk it out. Personal conversations are integral to our evaluation, offering context beyond the credit report.

  • Holistic Financial Assessment: Loan approval isn't just about credit checks. We take a comprehensive view of your current financial situation and unique circumstances.

  • A Broader Financial Perspective: Our decision-making extends beyond credit scores. We're committed to understanding your financial picture and ensuring our lending decisions are responsible and informed.

How much can I apply for?

Exploring Express Loan Options for New Customers at Superloans

Superloans offers an array of Express Loan options specifically designed to cater to the needs of new customers. Our approach is to provide flexible and responsible borrowing solutions that align with your immediate financial requirements.

For New Superloans Customers: A World of Possibilities

  1. Maximum Loan Limit for Newcomers: As a welcome gesture, new customers at Superloans can apply for loans up to $5,000. This limit is carefully set to balance your urgent financial needs with responsible lending principles.
  2. Exclusive First-Time Borrower Benefit: We offer a unique incentive to make your first experience with us even more appealing. New customers can get a Free Loan of up to $500, completely interest and fee-free. This popular choice is an excellent way to experience our loan services without financial strain.

Tailored Borrowing Experience

  • User-Friendly Introduction to Superloans: Our loan options for new customers are about providing financial aid and introducing you to our efficient and customer-centric services.
  • Designed for Convenience and Efficiency: We understand the importance of quick and easy access to funds. Our loan options are structured to ensure a smooth and straightforward borrowing process, making your financial journey with us as seamless as possible.


Which benefits do you accept for income for an Express Loan?

Comprehensive Financial Solutions for Beneficiaries at Superloans

Superloans proudly extends its loan services to a diverse range of beneficiaries. Our inclusive approach ensures that individuals receiving different types of benefits can access the financial help they need.

Diverse Benefit Categories Covered by Superloans:

  1. Jobseeker Support: Tailored for individuals actively searching for employment, providing them with the financial support they need during their job hunt.
  2. Orphan's Benefit: Specifically for caregivers of children whose parents are deceased, missing, or unable to provide care due to long-term incapacity.
  3. Sole Parent Support: Aimed at assisting single parents with the cost of living, recognizing their unique challenges.
  4. Supported Living Payment: For individuals dealing with health conditions, injuries, or disabilities that significantly impact their work capability.
  5. Unsupported Child's Benefit: This benefit extends to those caring for children who are not their biological or adopted offspring under specific circumstances.
  6. Working for Families: A series of tax credits designed to help families with children, ensuring their financial well-being.
  7. NZ Superannuation: A pension scheme for citizens aged 65 and older, providing them with a stable income in their senior years.
  8. Accommodation Supplement: Weekly payments to aid with housing costs, whether it's rent, board, or home ownership expenses.
  9. ACC Injury Cover: Financial support for individuals recovering from injuries covered by the Accident Compensation Corporation.
  10. Child Support: Regular payments from non-custodial parents to contribute towards their children's upbringing.
  11. Disability Allowance: Weekly financial aid for individuals with disabilities or health conditions, helping cover additional living expenses.
  12. Paid Parental Leave: Supporting new parents with financial assistance to care for their newborn or newly adopted child.
  13. Student Allowance: Offering financial help to students for their living expenses, facilitating their educational pursuits.
  14. Scholarships: Providing financial support for academic and educational advancement.
  15. Vulnerable Child Benefit: Offering support to those caring for children under challenging circumstances.

Can I get an Express Loan with bad credit?

Financial Solutions for Individuals with Credit Challenges at Superloans

At Superloans, we understand that a person's financial journey is often complex, and past credit challenges shouldn't define their future opportunities. Our approach to lending is tailored to value and prioritise your present financial situation and repayment capacity over past credit issues, offering a more inclusive and supportive borrowing experience.

Focus on Current Financial Health:

  • Personalised Financial Assessment: We look beyond bad credit histories, focusing on your financial stability and ability to fulfil repayment obligations.
  • Life Circumstances Consideration: Recognising that financial situations can change, we evaluate each loan application based on its current merits, ensuring fair and empathetic lending decisions.

Commitment to Credit Improvement through Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR):

  • Positive Credit Reporting: Superloans is dedicated to improving your credit score. We practice (CCR), ensuring that your responsible repayment behaviour with us contributes positively to your credit history.
  • Building a Better Financial Future: Our commitment to CCR means that your diligent repayments are reflected in your credit reports, aiding in repairing and enhancing your credit score over time.
  • Support Beyond Loans: At Superloans, we aim to provide financial solutions and assist in your journey toward a healthier financial future.

Can I apply if I live outside the Wellington or Hawkes Bay area?

Eligibility for Your First Loan with Superloans

To be eligible for your first loan from Superloans, your current residence needs to be in either the Wellington or Hawkes Bay regions. This regional requirement ensures that we can provide the best service and support for our initial loan applicants.

Continued Service for Existing Customers: Beyond Regional Boundaries

For our valued returning customers, we offer more flexibility. If you've previously obtained a loan from Superloans and have moved out of the Wellington or Hawkes Bay areas, you're not left out. You still have the opportunity to apply for an additional loan.

Easy Application Process for Returning Customers

This can be conveniently done through our online platform, My Superloans. It's designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing you to easily manage and apply for loans, regardless of your new location.


How do I apply for an Express Loan?

Streamlining Your Express Loan Application with Superloans

Embarking on your journey to secure an Express Loan with Superloans is straightforward and user-friendly. Our process ensures seamless and efficient experience, from eligibility verification to loan approval.

Here's a detailed guide to help you navigate the application process with ease:

Step 1: Eligibility Verification Before you start, it's essential to ensure you meet the following criteria for an Express Loan:

  • Income Stability: Confirm you earn at least $400 weekly after tax, including salary, wages, or benefits.
  • Residency Requirement: You must reside in the Wellington or Hawkes Bay regions. First-time borrowers need to visit a branch.
  • Direct Credit of Income: Your income should be direct credited into a bank account in your name.
  • Contact Information: Provide your phone number and an alternative contact number, such as a family member, partner, or friend.
  • Internet Banking Setup: Ensure you have Internet banking in place. Your bank can assist with this if necessary.
  • Valid Photo ID: Have a driver’s license, passport, 18+ card with a birth certificate, or firearms license ready.
  • Employment Duration: If employed, confirm you've been in your current job for 30 days or more.

Step 2: Loan Amount Determination

  • Online Loan Calculator: Utilise our intuitive online calculator to estimate how much you can borrow and understand your repayment plan.

Step 3: The Application Process

  • Preparation: Gather your internet banking login, password, and photo ID.
  • Online Application: Visit the Superloans website to complete the Express Loan Application form.
  • Email Communication: Upon submission, you'll receive an email outlining the estimated approval timeframe and a Messenger link for faster approval.

How long does the Express Loan application process take?

What to Expect After Your Express Loan Submission

When you apply for an Express loan at Superloans, we ensure a seamless and transparent journey from application to approval. Here's a detailed breakdown of what happens once you submit your loan application, designed to keep you well-informed and connected throughout the process.

1. Application Acknowledgement:

  • Immediate Email Confirmation: When you submit your Express Loan application, expect an email from Superloans confirming receipt. This email serves as an initial acknowledgment of your application.

2. Estimated Approval Timeframe:

  • Timely Process Updates: Our credit team works diligently to process your application, typically within 4 to 5 hours. The acknowledgment email will include an estimated timeframe for approval.

3. Enhanced Communication for Expedited Processing:

  • Direct Messaging Link: The acknowledgment email will contain a special Messenger link to facilitate faster processing. This lets you directly communicate with our team, ensuring any queries or additional information required are addressed swiftly.
  • Personalised Service: Our commitment to personalised customer service means we're here to assist with any aspect of your application, providing clarity and support when needed.

I'm having trouble uploading in the application

Troubleshooting Upload Issues in Loan Applications: A Step-by-Step Guide

Encountering difficulties while uploading crucial documents like your license, My MSD, or BNPL during a loan application can be frustrating. Often, these issues stem from outdated software on your device. Here's a detailed guide to help you smoothly navigate and resolve these common upload challenges:

1. Restart Your Device:

  • Refreshing System Performance: Begin by restarting your device. This simple step can often clear any minor glitches or temporary software issues that might be hindering the upload process.

2. Check and Update Software:

  • Ensuring Optimal Functionality: Verify that your device's software is up to date. Operating systems and applications frequently release updates to improve performance and compatibility, which are crucial for the smooth functioning of upload features.
  • Steps to Update: Navigate to your device's settings to check for available software updates. If an update is available, proceed to download and install it, ensuring your device runs on the latest version.

3. Attempt the Upload Again:

  • Testing Post-Update: Once your device is updated and restarted, try the upload process again. The recent updates and system refresh should have resolved any previous issues, allowing for a seamless upload experience.
  • Continued Challenges: If you still face difficulties, consider alternative methods, such as using a different device or browser. Sometimes, compatibility issues with specific browsers or devices can hinder the upload process.

I can't log in to my bank

Resolving Bank Account Access Issues During Loan Application

Encountering access issues with your bank account during the loan application process can be a significant hurdle. To assist you in navigating and resolving these challenges smoothly, here's a detailed guide.

1. Device Restart for Troubleshooting:

  • Immediate Solution: Begin by restarting your device. This fundamental step can often rectify many common glitches or system hiccups that might be causing access issues with your bank account.

2. Direct Web Access to Bank Website:

  • Browser Over App: Opt to access your bank's website directly using a web browser, Not the Bank's App
  • Navigating the Site: Use your device’s web browser to navigate to your bank's official website, ensuring a more stable and reliable connection.

3. Login Details Verification:

  • Secure Log-In Attempt: Carefully enter your banking login credentials on the website. Double-check for accuracy to avoid any input errors that might prevent access.

4. Password Update and Verification:

  • Password Issues: If you suspect your password might be the problem, proceed to update it. Follow your bank’s guidelines for resetting or updating passwords.
  • Password Confirmation: Ensure that your new password is correctly set and confirmed within your bank's system.

5. Allow Time for System Updates:

  • Essential Waiting Period: After updating your password, wait approximately 15 minutes before attempting to log in again. This delay allows the bank's system to process the changes and can often resolve lingering access issues.

6. In-Person Assistance:

  • Visiting Your Bank Branch: Should the problem persist, the only solution is to visit your nearest bank branch. In-person assistance can provide direct and immediate support in accessing your account.
  • Seeking Superloans Help: The staff at the branch can help you troubleshoot and resolve any complex issues that couldn’t be addressed through the online steps.

I've applied and haven't received the email

Troubleshooting Missing Loan Application Emails

If you've completed your loan application with Superloans and received a confirmation text message but not the accompanying email, there's a straightforward solution to uncover the missing email. 

1. Understanding Email Filters:

  • Automatic Filtering: Often, important emails like loan application confirmations can be mistakenly filtered into your email's junk or spam folder by your email service provider. This automatic process aims to manage unsolicited emails but can sometimes misclassify legitimate ones.

2. Checking Junk or Spam Folders:

  • First Step of Action: The primary step is to check your email's junk or spam folder. There's a high probability that the missing email from Superloans was redirected there.
  • Folder Navigation: Access your email account and navigate to the junk or spam folder. This can usually be found in the sidebar or menu of your email interface.

3. Locating the Missing Email:

  • Search and Find: Once in the junk or spam folder, look for the email from Superloans. It might be among other filtered emails, so a careful scan or using the search function with keywords like "Superloans" or "loan application" can expedite the process.

4. Preventing Future Misdirection:

  • Mark as Safe: After locating the email, mark it as "Not Junk" or "Not Spam." This action informs your email service that messages from Superloans are safe, reducing the likelihood of future emails being misdirected.
  • Add to Contacts: Add Superloans' email address to your contacts or address book. This step further assures that future correspondences from Superloans land directly in your inbox.

Can I cancel my application?

Flexible Options for Your Loan Application at Superloans

Cancel or Hold Your Application

  • Freedom to Cancel: You have complete freedom to cancel your loan application at any point. We recognise that situations change, and you're welcome to step back from the loan process whenever you need to.
  • Option to Hold: Take advantage of our hold option if you're uncertain. We can keep your application on hold for up to three days, giving you time to ponder your decision without restarting the entire process.

Reapplication Considerations

  • Fresh Start: In case you opt to continue with the loan after a pause, a fresh application is needed. This ensures we have the latest information to evaluate your loan accurately.

Can I apply if I've got a loan with another lender?

Securing an Express Loan with Existing Financial Commitments

We pride ourselves on a thorough and transparent assessment process. Every application undergoes meticulous evaluation by our credit team to ensure that taking on a new loan is manageable and responsible for you. Our primary concern is your financial well-being. We adhere strictly to responsible lending practices, ensuring that any new loan complements your existing financial obligations.

Applying with Existing Loans: A Comprehensive Approach

  • Eligibility for Multiple Loans: Superloans welcomes applications even if you currently have other loans. Understanding that financial situations vary greatly, we provide options tailored to diverse needs.
  • Key Evaluation Criteria: Our assessment focuses on your ability to manage a new loan alongside existing ones. Factors like your financial health, credit history, current income, and employment status play a crucial role in our evaluation.

Thorough Application Process

  • Assessment Transparency: We pride ourselves on a thorough and transparent assessment process. Every application undergoes meticulous evaluation to ensure that taking on a new loan is manageable and responsible for you.

Express Loan FAQs

How much can I borrow for an Express Loan ?

Understanding Express Loan Borrowing Limits at Superloans

Our tiered borrowing limits are designed to provide personalised loan solutions, whether you're a first-time borrower or a returning customer.

Loan Limits Tailored to Your Journey with Superloans:

  • New Customer Advantage: As a newcomer to Superloans, you can access up to $5,000 for your initial borrowing needs. This limit welcomes and accommodates new clients to Superloans.
  • Exclusive First-Time Borrower Offer: New to Superloans? Enjoy a special perk! Your First loan is Free up to $500 with no interest or fees attached. This unique offer is our way of introducing you to our hassle-free loan services.

Enhanced Flexibility for Returning Customers:

  • Expanded Borrowing Range: We offer an extended borrowing range from $500 to a substantial $15,000 for our loyal returning customers. This flexibility caters to your evolving financial needs.
  • Loan Amounts Influenced by Superscore: Your borrowing capacity is linked to your Superscore - a dynamic credit limit reflective of your financial trustworthiness with Superloans.
  • Effortless Management via My Superloans: Keep track of your Superscore and eligible loan amounts effortlessly through My Superloans, making your financial planning more efficient and transparent.
  • Personalised Financial Solutions: Our tiered borrowing limits are designed to provide personalised loan solutions, whether you're a first-time borrower or a returning customer.


What are the interest rates for an Express Loan?

Deciphering Interest Rates for Express Loans at Superloans

Grasping how interest rates are determined empowers you to make smarter borrowing choices, aligning your financial needs with the most suitable loan options. By understanding the factors that influence interest rates, you can strategise your borrowing to secure the most cost-effective loan terms, keeping your financial health in check.

A Comprehensive Look at Express Loan Interest Rates:

  • Range of Rates: Superloans offers a versatile interest rate structure for Express Loans. Rates vary from 0% for new customers, scaling up to 49.95%, accommodating a wide range of borrowing needs.

Factors Influencing Your Interest Rate:

  1. Superscore - A Reflection of Your Credit Health: Your Superscore, which encapsulates your creditworthiness and financial history, plays a pivotal role in determining the interest rate you receive. A higher Superscore often translates to more favourable interest rates.
  2. Loan Amount - Scale Matters: The size of your desired loan also influences your interest rate. Smaller loans may have different rate structures compared to larger loans, reflecting the varying levels of financial commitment.

Clear Communication of Rates:

  • Personalised Rate Notification: Upon loan approval, Superloans ensures you are fully informed about the exact interest rate applicable to your loan. This approach guarantees transparency and helps you make well-informed financial decisions.


What fees do I pay for an Express Loan?

Understanding the Loan Fees and Charges

These fees ensure that Superloans can offer fair and sustainable lending services, maintaining high customer service and financial management standards. The fee structure is designed to be flexible and aligned with various loan types, reflecting our commitment to meeting diverse customer needs responsibly.

Standard Loan Fees Explained:

  • Establishment Fee: Depending on your loan's specifics, this one-time fee can range from $0 to $145, covering the cost of setting up your loan.
  • Top-Up Fee: Each time you increase your existing loan amount, a top-up fee of $145 is applied.
  • Administration Fee: For the ongoing administration of your loan, fees range from $0 to $3.

Additional Fees for Specific Scenarios:

  • Overdue Payment Fee: If payments are late, a fee of $30 is charged every 28 days to handle overdue payments.
  • Contract Variation Fee: Altering your loan terms incurs a fee ranging between $10 to $15.
  • Early Repayment Fee: Repaying your loan early may attract a fee varying from $0 to $20, depending on the specifics of your agreement.
  • Manual Payment Fee: For payments not made via direct debit, a $5 fee applies to each manual payment.

What are the Express Loan terms?

Understanding Flexible Express Loan Terms at Superloans

Our broad range of loan durations offers you the flexibility to plan and manage your financial obligations effectively. By tailoring loan terms to individual circumstances, Superloans ensures that your loan supports your financial wellness, aligning with your ability to repay comfortably.

  • Range of Loan Terms: Superloans offers a versatile range of Express Loan durations from 12 to 185 weeks. This diversity caters to various financial needs and repayment capacities.
  • Customised Loan Periods: Each loan term is carefully determined to suit your unique financial situation, ensuring a comfortable repayment plan.

Responsible Lending at the Core of Loan Duration Decisions:

  • Criteria-Based Assessment: We determine your loan's duration based on responsible lending criteria designed to accurately assess and match your financial status.
  • Prioritising Borrower Suitability: Our focus is on finding a loan term that fits seamlessly with your financial capability. We aim to provide a loan duration that you can manage without undue stress or strain.


Can I top-up my Express Loan?

Streamline Your Loan Top-Ups with My Superloans App

Effortless Loan Management:

  • User-Friendly Experience: The My Superloans App revolutionises how you manage your loans. It's designed for ease, making the top-up process straightforward and user-friendly.
  • Stay Informed on Eligibility: You're always in the loop with this app. It alerts you to your eligibility for loan top-ups, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to access additional funds when you need them.

Simplified Top-Up Process:

  • Real-Time Updates: The My Superloans App provides instant updates, giving you a clear picture of where you stand with your loan and top-up options.
  • Transparent Calculations: Wondering how much more you can borrow? The app does the math for you, calculating potential top-up amounts based on your current loan status and credit limit.

Benefits of Using My Superloans App:

  • Quick and Efficient: Say goodbye to complicated processes. The app streamlines your loan top-up applications, saving you time and hassle.
  • Empowering Financial Decisions: With all the information at your fingertips, you can make smarter financial choices. The app's real-time data helps you understand your borrowing capabilities and plan your finances more effectively.


Can I top-up my Express Loan early?

Loan Top-Up Intervals at Superloans: What You Need to Know

Regular Top-Up Timeline:

  • Fixed Schedule for All: At Superloans, everyone follows a timeline for loan top-ups. This schedule applies to every customer, keeping things fair and square.
  • Extra Payments Don't Speed It Up: Just so you know, paying more on your loan doesn't mean you can get a top-up sooner. The top-up schedule stays on track regardless.

Dealing with Emergency Situations:

  • Flexibility for Urgent Needs: We understand life can be unpredictable. If you're facing an emergency, we might be able to sort out an early top-up, but it's not something we can always do.
  • Need Proof for Emergency Top-Ups: If you're in a tight spot and need a top-up quickly, you'll need to show us what's happening. This proof is crucial for us to assess your urgent request.
  • How to Request an Emergency Top-Up: If you're dealing with an emergency, get in touch with your account manager at Superloans via Messenger. They can help you start the conversation about your options.

Important Points to Remember:

  • Early Top-Ups Aren't Guaranteed: Keep in mind asking for an early top-up doesn't automatically mean it'll be granted. It all depends on the situation and the proof you provide.
  • Communication is Key: Staying in regular contact with your account manager is really important. It helps us better grasp your situation and provide support more effectively when you need it most.

I need to postpone a payment on my Express Loan

Flexible Payment Postponement with My Superloans

To be eligible for payment postponement, ensure your loan is not in arrears. All your payments should be up to date, and at least 90 days should have passed since your last postponement request.

Accessing My Superloans for Postponement

  • Easy Access via App or Website: Utilize the My Superloans app or visit the Superloans website to manage your loan payments effortlessly.
  • Personal Dashboard for Loan Management: My Superloans serves as your comprehensive platform for all loan-related activities, including payment postponements.

Step-by-Step Guide to Postponing a Payment

  • Login with Ease: Access your My Superloans account using the credentials linked to your social media account for a seamless experience.
  • Loan Review Process: Once logged in, navigate to your active loans and select the loan you wish to postpone payment for.
  • Initiating Postponement: Locate the 'Postpone Payment' option within the upcoming payment section, and follow the straightforward on-screen prompts to confirm your postponement request.
  • Confirmation and Acknowledgement: After submitting your request, you'll receive an immediate confirmation, ensuring your payment has been successfully postponed.

I want to make an additional payment on my Express Loan

Managing Your Express Loan Repayments
It's important to stay on top of your loan repayments and understand all your loan terms and conditions. Making additional payments or paying off your loan early can reduce the amount of interest and fees you pay over time. You can make an additional payment, a full payment, or clear payment arrears in My Superloans or over the counter in the branch.
  1. Access My Superloans: Log in to your app or visit the My Superloans section on the Superloans website. This is your personal dashboard for managing your loan.

  2. Log In: Sign into your My Superloans account via your linked social media account.

  3. Select Your Loan: Navigate to the 'My Loans' section. Once logged in, select the loan you want to make a payment on.

  4. Review Loan Details: Check the details of your selected loan, including the outstanding balance.

  5. Choose Payment Type:

    • Additional Payment: If you want to make an additional payment, select the 'Make a Payment' option. Enter the amount you wish to pay on top of your scheduled repayment.
    • Full Payment: Look for the 'Full Payment option' to pay off the entire loan. The system will display the total amount required to settle your loan that day.
    • Payment Arrears: If you are in arrears, it shows the total amount needed to bring your loan up to date.
  6. Follow payment instructions: Input your account details, including a security code or a similar verification step.

How do I repay an Express Loan?

Navigating Express Loan Repayments

When you take out an Express Loan with Superloans, we streamline the repayment process to make it as convenient and manageable for you as possible. Here's a detailed look at how loan repayments are handled:

  1. Direct Debit Setup: As part of the loan setup, we arrange for all your repayments to be automatically debited from your bank account. This means you won't have to remember to make manual payments each time a repayment is due.

  2. Alignment with Payday: We understand that it's easier to manage repayments when they coincide with your income schedule. Therefore, we align your loan repayments with your payday. 

  3. Hassle-Free Repayment: With this setup, making your loan repayments becomes a hassle-free process. Since the payments are automated, they occur without any action required on your part as long as there are adequate funds in your bank account.

  4. Regular and timely repayments: These are crucial for maintaining a good credit history and avoiding additional charges. 

Can I repay my Express Loan early?

Unlock the Benefits of Early Loan Repayment

Repaying your Express Loan early with Superloans can significantly decrease the total interest and fees you pay over the loan's life. This proactive approach to loan management saves you money and reduces the financial stress associated with long-term debt.

Advantages and Methods of Early Loan Repayment

  • Before opting for early loan repayment, evaluate your current financial situation to ensure it won't impact your short-term financial stability.
  1. Benefits of Early Loan Repayment:

    • Superloans advocate for early loan repayment as a financially prudent choice.
    • Repaying your loan ahead of its scheduled term can lead to savings on interest and fees.
  2. Convenient Online Payment via My Superloans:

    • Make early loan payments quickly and efficiently through My Superloans.
    • This online option allows for hassle-free payment processing in just minutes.
  3. In-Branch Payment Option:

    • If you prefer, you can visit a Superloans branch to make your payment in cash.
    • Paying over the counter is straightforward for those who favour in-person transactions.

I need a loan/settlement statement for my Express Loan

Access Comprehensive Loan Statements with My Superloans

With My Superloans, managing your loan details has never been easier. Access and download detailed, real-time loan statements with just a few clicks, offering a complete overview of your loan status, including the outstanding amount and payment breakdown

Convenient Access and Easy Download

  1. Access My Superloans: Open the My Superloans app or go to the My Superloans section on the Superloans website.

  2. Sign In: Click on the 'Sign In' option. You will be prompted to enter your login credentials.

  3. Enter Social Media Password: Use the password associated with the social media account you have linked with your My Superloans account.

  4. Locate Your Loan: Once logged in, navigate to the overview of your loans. Select the specific loan for which you want to download the statement.

  5. Download Statement: Scroll to the bottom of your selected loan details. You will find an option to download the statement. Click on this to download the statement to your device.


I've repaid my Express Loan. Can I apply for another one?

Effortless Eligibility and Application After Full Loan Repayment

As soon as you repay your Express Loan, you're eligible to apply for a new loan with Superloans. This swift transition is available for clients who have managed their final loan repayment through the My Superloans platform.

Activation of New Loan Applications in Real-Time

  • Instant 'Apply' Button Activation: On settling your loan, the 'Apply' button in the My Superloans interface becomes active. This crucial feature is designed to be available on the same day as your final loan repayment, ensuring you don't miss a beat when you're ready for a new financial commitment.

Streamlined Process for Subsequent Loan Applications

  • Hassle-Free Application for Your Next Loan: The moment the 'Apply' button is activated, you are set to start your new loan application. This streamlined process in My Superloans is tailored to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience, helping you smoothly transition from settling one loan to commencing another without unnecessary delays.

How many payments do I have left on my Express Loan?

Optimize Your Express Loan Management with My Superloans

My Superloans acts as your centralized access point for all critical express loan details, from balance to Superscore. This consolidation simplifies loan management, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Comprehensive Loan Monitoring at Your Fingertips

  • Real-Time Loan Balance Updates: Stay on top of your financial commitments with My Superloans. Our platform offers up-to-the-minute information on your current express loan balance, empowering you to monitor and manage how much you owe with precision and ease.

Stay Ahead with Upcoming Payment Alerts

  • Timely Payment Tracking: My Superloans ensures you're never caught off guard. Keep track of your upcoming payment dates, facilitating timely repayments and helping you avoid any late payment scenarios.

Progress Tracking for Loan Completion

  • Insightful Payment Countdown: Gain a clear understanding of your loan journey with a detailed count of remaining payments. This feature in My Superloans allows you to visualize your progress towards loan completion, encouraging consistent payment habits.

Historical Loan Analysis with 12-Month Statements

  • Detailed Payment History Review: Access a comprehensive 12-month statement for your express loan through My Superloans. This invaluable tool provides a historical overview of your payment history, aiding in understanding your loan's timeline and your financial behaviour.

Superscore Monitoring for Enhanced Borrowing

  • Credit Limit Insights: Keep an eye on your Superscore within the platform. This score is pivotal in determining your credit limit with Superloans, guiding you in future loan decisions and borrowing capabilities.

I can't afford the repayment, what can I do?

If you think you're unable to make your repayment, you need to contact your account manager as soon as possible. We have different options to help you, depending on your situation.

What happens if I miss a payment?

We will attempt to contact you over two days following the default. If by the third day we have been unable to reach you, or the payment has not been rectified, you will be charged a default fee.

Buck is thinking

Pawn Loans FAQs

What can I bring in for a Pawn Loan?

We accept all sorts of things. Check out the most common items

How much can I pawn my Item for?

Process of Item Evaluation for Pawn Loans:

  1. Initial Item Assessment:

    • When you bring an item to Superloans for a pawn loan, it undergoes a thorough initial assessment.
    • This evaluation includes a check for the item's authenticity, condition, and overall quality.
  2. Consideration of Item's Condition:

    • The condition of the item plays a significant role in its valuation.
    • Items in better, well-maintained condition are likely to receive a higher valuation.
  3. Age and Market Relevance:

    • The age of the item is evaluated, with newer items often holding more value.
    • How relevant and in-demand the item is in the current market is also crucial.
  4. Resale Value Estimation:

    • A key aspect of the evaluation is estimating the potential resale value of the item.
    • Items more likely to resale at a good price may secure a better loan offer.
  5. Documentation and Additional Checks:

    • Any accompanying documentation, like proof of purchase or authenticity certificates, can enhance the item's value.
    • Additional checks might include testing for functionality, especially for electronic items.
  6. Final Loan Offer Determination:

    • Based on these evaluations, Superloans determines the loan amount that can be offered for the item.
    • This amount reflects the value of the item as collateral for the loan.

Can I pay my Pawn Loan off?

Understanding Payment Options for Pawn Loans:

  1. Paying Off Pawn Loan Fees:

    • Customers have the flexibility to pay off the pawn loan fees at any time.
    • Allows for efficient management and tracking of your loan and payments.
  2. Repayment of the Principal Loan Amount:

    • The principal amount of the pawn loan must be repaid in a lump sum.
    • This is a requirement and cannot be broken down into smaller, incremental payments.
  3. Making Payments through My Superloans:


When I've repaid my Pawn Loan, can I come back for another Pawn Loan?

Pawn Loans for Returning Customers:

  1. Availability for Pawn Loans:

    • Pawn loans are available at any time during business hours.
    • You are welcome to bring in items for a pawn loan as per your convenience.
  2. Process for New Pawn Items:

    • When you bring in an item for the first time, it will undergo an appraisal process.
    • Factors like condition, age, and resale value will be evaluated to determine the loan amount.
  3. Advantages with Previously Pawned Items:

    • If you are bringing back an item you’ve pawned before, the process is quicker.
    • The loan processing for returning items typically takes only 5 minutes.
    • This is due to the existing records and prior evaluation of the item.


Will my Item be sold if I don’t repay my Pawn Loan?

If you don't redeem or extend your pawned item by the due date, the following happens:

  1. Risk of Item Sale on Non-Repayment:

    • If you do not repay the loan or renew it by the due date, the pawned item is subject to being sold.
    • Selling the pawned item is considered a last resort action by Superloans.
  2. Renewal Option through Interest Payment:

    • You have the option to renew your contract by paying a month's interest.
    • This can be conveniently done through the My Superloans app, offering a quick way to extend your repayment period.
  3. Proactive Communication from Superloans:

    • Superloans will reach out to you with reminders as your due date nears and when your contract is about to expire.
    • These communications are meant to prompt timely action to either repay or renew the loan.
  4. Consequences of Non-Response:

    • In the absence of a response or action from you, Superloans will move forward with auctioning the item.
    • The auction is intended to recover the costs and expenses related to the loan.
  5. Using 'My Superloans' for Payment and Communication:

    • The My Superloans app is vital for managing your loan and payments.
    • It offers an easy way to make payments, renew contracts, and stay informed about your loan status.


Can I pawn more than one item?

You Sure Can. Here's The Benefits of Pawning Multiple Items at Superloans:

  1. Flexibility with Multiple Items:

    • Pawning multiple items at Superloans offers significant flexibility in loan management.
    • Each item pawned has its own individual loan agreement.
  2. Advantages of Individual Payment Terms:

    • Unlike a large loan, multiple items mean multiple loans, each with its repayment terms.
    • This allows you to prioritise which loan to repay first based on your financial situation.
  3. Avoiding Lump Sum Payments:

    • With individual loans for each item, you're not bound to a single, large lump-sum repayment.
    • This setup provides relief, especially if managing a large lump sum repayment is challenging.
  4. Utilizing My Superloans for Ease of Management:

What happens if I can't redeem my pawned item but want it back?

If you are unable to redeem your pawned item by the due date, you can extend the loan for a month:

  1. Unable to Pay by Due Date:

    • If you find yourself unable to pay for your item by the original due date, Superloans offers a solution.
    • You have the option to extend your pawn loan contract, providing additional flexibility.
  2. Extension Process:

    • To extend your contract for an additional month, you need to pay the interest accrued for that month.
    • This payment solely covers the fee and does not reduce the principal loan amount.
  3. Using the My Superloans App:

    • You can use the My Superloans App to extend your contract for convenience.
    • My Superloans provides clear instructions for this process, making it user-friendly and efficient.
  4. In-Store Assistance:

    • Alternatively, you can visit a Superloans branch for personal assistance.
    • Our staff will be available to guide you through the extension process and address any queries.

What does a Pawn Loan cost?

Pawn Loans Fee Structure:

  • Fixed Monthly Fee: Your loan incurs a fixed fee each month.
  • Non-Compounding: Unlike typical interest, this fee doesn't compound over time.
  • Repayment Benefits: Paying off your pawn loan quickly reduces the total amount you pay.
  • Variable Fee: The fee amount isn't standard; it ranges from 10% - 30% per month based on:
    • The size of your loan.
    • Your personal Superscore.
  • Superscore: Your Superscore, an exclusive rating by Superloans, impacts the fee amount.


When does my Pawn Loan expire and what do I owe?

Managing Your Pawn Loan with My Superloans

  1. Overview of Pawn Loan Information:

    • My Superloans offers complete and detailed information about your Pawn Loan.
    • The platform is designed to provide you with all necessary details regarding your loans.
  2. Tracking Fee Addition Dates:

    • In My Superloans, you can easily view the specific dates when fees will be added to your loan.
    • This feature helps you stay informed about when your loan costs will increase.
  3. Final Redemption Date Details:

    • The app clearly displays the final redemption date of your pawn loan.
    • Knowing this date is crucial for planning your repayment or extension requests.

I want to make a payment on my pawned item

Managing Payments and Extensions for Your Pawn Loan:

  1. Monitoring Key Dates and Fees:

    • The My Superloans app lets you easily check important dates, such as when fees will be added to your loan.
    • The app also displays the final redemption date of your loan, providing a clear timeline.
  2. Making Extensions and Full Payments Online:

    • My Superloans offers the convenience of managing your loan payments directly from the app.
    • This includes both extending your loan and making full payments to settle your loan.
  3. In-Branch Payment Option:

    • If you prefer a more traditional method, you have the option to visit a Superloans branch.
    • At the branch, you can make payments in cash over the counter.


Am I eligible for a new Pawn Loan after not redeeming a previous one?

Obtaining a New Pawn Loan After Not Redeeming a Previous Loan: 

  1. Eligibility for New Loans:

    • You are eligible for a new Pawn Loan, even if you did not redeem a previous loan.
    • This policy allows for continued access to financial resources.
  2. Impact on Superscore:

    • Failing to redeem a previous Pawn Loan can result in a loss of Superscore points.
    • A lower Superscore could potentially result in higher fees.
  3. Pawn Loan Evaluation:

    • Each new Pawn Loan is assessed on its own merits.
    • Superloans will consider the value and condition of the new item you wish to pawn.

Can I get a Pawn Loan with bad credit?

Pawn Loans Are a Good Option if You Have Bad Credit

Pawn Loans stand out as a particularly accessible financial solution for those with bad credit, characterised by several key features:

  1. No Credit Check Required: Pawn Loans do not involve credit checks, making them perfect for those who have bad credit or are concerned about credit inquiries affecting their credit score.

  2. Collateral-Based System: The basis of a pawn loan is the collateral you provide, which determines the loan amount based on the item's value, not your credit score or financial history.

  3. No Impact on Credit Score: Defaulting on a pawn loan won't harm your credit score either, as the failure to repay results in Superloans auctioning the collateral with no report to credit bureaus.


Refer Rewards FAQs

What is the Refer Rewards program at Superloans?

Maximize Your Earnings by Referring Friends and Family
At Superloans, we value the power of referrals and want to reward you for spreading the word about our services. Our Refer Rewards program is designed to benefit both you and those you refer, making it a win-win for everyone involved.
How It Works:
  • Refer a Friend: Share the benefits of Superloans with your friends and family.
  • Loan Approval: The Refer Reward process is triggered once the person you referred successfully secures a loan with us.
  • Receive Your Cash: You get rewarded depending on their chosen loan type.
Benefits of Referring:
  • Easy Earnings: A simple way to earn extra cash just by recommending our trusted services.
  • Help Your Network: Provide your friends and family with financial solutions that meet their needs.
  • Unlimited Referrals: The more people you refer, the more you can potentially earn. There's no limit to your rewards!
  • Share Your Experience: Let your friends and family know about the benefits of choosing Superloans.
Your Referral Gets a Free Loan, and you get Cash!
  • First-Time Borrower Special: When you refer friends who are new to Superloans, they can enjoy their First Loan Free of up to $500 with absolutely no interest or fees.
  • Zero Costs: This special offer includes no interest, no fees, and no hidden charges. It's our way of welcoming them to the Superloans.

What do I receive as a Refer Reward?

Expand Your Earnings through Our Referral Program

At Superloans, we recognise the influential power of personal referrals and are excited to offer rewarding opportunities for you. Our comprehensive referral program is designed to create mutual benefits – rewarding you for spreading the word about our services while providing value to your friends and family.

Generous Reward Structure for Referrals:

  • $50 Cash Reward for Express Loan Referrals: For every individual you refer who is approved for an Express Loan, you'll be rewarded with an impressive $50 Refer Reward.
  • Earn $20 for Pawn Loan Referrals: When someone you refer successfully obtains a Pawn Loan from us, you earn a quick $20 Refer Reward.

When do I receive the Refer Reward?

Quick and Convenient Reward Payment in Superloans' Referral Program

At Superloans, we are committed to a swift and straightforward disbursement of your referral rewards, considering the credit status of your referred individual.

Reward Payment Based on Credit Score:

  • Instant Reward for Good Credit: If your referred individual has a favourable credit score and their loan is approved, you receive your Refer Reward promptly. You can collect your cash reward directly over the counter at any Superloans branch as soon as the loan is approved.
  • Deferred Reward for Credit Challenges: In cases where your referee's credit history poses challenges, the Refer Reward disbursement process is modified. Here, your reward becomes available after the complete repayment of the loan. This method ensures a balance between responsible lending and acknowledging your successful referral.

What happens if the person I referred doesn't pay back the loan?

Navigating Non-Repayment Scenarios at Superloans

We understand the importance of the trust you place in our referral program. However, it's essential to be aware of the consequences when a referred individual fails to meet their loan repayment obligations.

Consequences of Non-Repayment:

  • Forfeiture of Pending Rewards: If the person you referred fails to repay their loan, you will not receive any Refer Reward contingent on their loan repayment completion.
  • Impact on Future Participation: Non-repayment incidents involving your referrals could impact your eligibility for future participation in the Refer Rewards program.


What happens if their loan is not approved?

 Earning Cash Rewards Through Successful Referrals at Superloans

At Superloans, we deeply appreciate our customers who bring new clients to our services through the Refer Rewards Program. To ensure clarity and fairness in this program, it's important to understand the specific criteria for earning these rewards.

Key Conditions for Earning Refer Rewards:

  • Approval and Loan Acceptance: You're eligible for Refer Rewards cash when the person you refer receives approval for a loan, accepts it, and proceeds with the loan process.
  • No Reward on Non-Approval: If your referred individual is not approved for a loan by Superloans, you will not be eligible for the Refer Rewards cash.

Which loan does this apply to?

Referral Rewards Across All Loan Types at Superloans

Superloans Refer Rewards Program offers exciting rewards for referrals across our entire range of loan services. Whether your referral chooses a Free Loan, an Express Loan, or a Pawn Loan, you have the opportunity to earn attractive rewards.

All-Encompassing Refer Rewards:

  • Wide Range of Loan Types: Our program is inclusive, covering all loan types available at Superloans.
  • Rewards for Free Loan Referrals: When you introduce someone to our Free Loan option, and they get approved, you're entitled to a reward.
  • Express Loan Referral Rewards: If your referral opts for an Express Loan and their application is approved, you become eligible for rewards.
  • Pawn Loan Referral Incentives: Referring someone for a Pawn Loan also makes you eligible for rewards under our Refer Rewards Program.

Is there a minimum loan amount for the Refer Reward?

Your Referral Success with Eligible Loan Amounts at Superloans

To ensure you reap the full benefits of our Refer Rewards Program, it's important to be aware of the minimum loan amounts that qualify for rewards.

Key Loan Amount Thresholds for Referral Rewards:

  • Pawn Loan Minimum: A minimum of $50 loan is required for a Pawn Loan to qualify for the referral reward.
  • Express Loan Criteria: For Express Loans, the minimum loan amount that qualifies for a reward is $200.


Can I collect my Refer Reward at any branch?

Convenient Reward Collection at Any Superloans Branch

Branch-Wide Availability for Reward Collection

Seamless Process for Reward Retrieval

  • Our friendly staff across all branches are ready to assist you in claiming your Refer Reward efficiently and effortlessly.


Is there a limit to the number of people I can refer?

Unlimited Referral Opportunities Across All Loan Types at Superloans

Experience No Limits in Referral Rewards

  • Embrace the opportunity to refer an unlimited number of individuals to Superloans. There's absolutely no cap on the number of referrals you can make or Refer Rewards you can earn.

Criteria for Earning Rewards


Super Deals FAQs

Where do the Superdeals come from?

Unveiling the Source of Superloans Superdeals

Superloans offers an array of second-hand goods through Superdeals, all sourced from our Pawn Loan services. Let's delve into the journey of these items:

  1. The Foundation – Pawn Loans: The core of our Superdeals inventory begins with second-hand goods provided as collateral for Pawn Loans. These items range from electronics to jewellery, offering a diverse selection.

  2. Unredeemed Items – Auction Process: The unredeemed items enter a crucial phase for the remaining portion, where loans are not repaid. To recover the costs of the unpaid loans, these items are put up for auction online with Trade Me.

  3. Transforming into Superdeals: Post-auction, these second-hand goods transition into our Superdeals. This process ensures a constant influx of quality, pre-owned items for sale, offering great value to our customers.

  4. Benefits for Buyers – Quality and Affordability: Superdeals represent an opportunity for buyers to acquire quality second-hand goods at affordable prices. Each item in our Superdeals selection has undergone a thorough evaluation for quality and value.

  5. Continual Refresh of Inventory: The cycle of Pawn Loans and subsequent auctions means our Superdeals inventory is continually refreshed. This dynamic ensures an ever-evolving range of products available for purchase.

Are the Superdeals in good condition?

Quality Assurance of Superdeals at Superloans

At Superloans, we prioritise offering products that are not just affordable but also reliable. This commitment extends to every item featured in our Superdeals.

Good Working Condition - A Standard Practice: Our Superdeals inventory is synonymous with quality assurance. We ensure that all listed items are in good working condition, a standard that applies across all categories, from electronics to jewellery.

Transparent Item Descriptions: In the rare instances where an item deviates from our standard of 'good condition', we make it a point to clearly state any such discrepancies in the Trade Me auction description. Transparency is key in our approach to customer satisfaction.

Quality Checks and Evaluations: Before an item is listed in our Superdeals, it undergoes a thorough evaluation. This process includes testing for functionality and verifying the overall condition, ensuring that what you see is what you get.

Customer Trust and Satisfaction: Our dedication to maintaining high-quality standards in our Superdeals has earned us the trust and loyalty of our customers. We understand the importance of reliability in pre-owned goods and consistently strive to meet those expectations.

Making Informed Purchases: As a buyer, you can be confident that each item in our Superdeals selection meets a standard of quality. Detailed descriptions and transparent disclosures about the condition of each item make for an informed purchasing decision.

Do you offer a warranty on Superdeals?

48-Hour Replacement/Refund Policy for Peace of Mind

Superloans' commitment to customer satisfaction is exemplified through our warranty policy for Superdeals. Understanding the specifics of this policy is crucial for a confident and secure shopping experience.

  1. Duration of Warranty Coverage: Our Superdeals come with a reassuring 48-hour replacement or refund policy. This brief yet comprehensive window allows you to thoroughly test and assess your purchase.

  2. Testing Upon Delivery - Essential Step: We encourage you to test the item meticulously upon delivery. This immediate assessment is key to ensuring that the product meets your expectations and functions as intended.

  3. Fault Identification and Reporting: In the rare case that you discover a fault with the item, prompt action is crucial. We advise contacting us immediately upon identifying any issue. This timely communication enables us to address the concern effectively.

  4. Replacement Guarantee: If the item you've purchased has a fault, our primary objective is to organize a replacement. We strive to ensure you receive an item matching your expectations and needs.

  5. Refund Assurance: In instances where a suitable replacement is not available, Superloans guarantees a refund. We are committed to ensuring you are not disadvantaged due to stock limitations.

  6. Return of Faulty Item: To initiate the replacement or refund process, the return of the faulty item is required. This step is essential for us to proceed with the appropriate remedy for your situation.

  7. Seamless Customer Support: Our team is dedicated to making this process as smooth as possible. We understand the importance of trust in online transactions and are here to support you every step of the way.

Can I purchase Superdeals without going through the auction process?

Exclusive Auction Access for Superloans' Superdeals

When it comes to acquiring items from Superloans Superdeals, it's essential to understand our unique purchasing process. Here's a detailed guide to our auction-only policy:

  1. Strict Auction-Only Sales: At Superloans, all unredeemed Pawn Loan items are exclusively sold through Trade Me auctions. This policy ensures a transparent and fair process for every potential buyer.

  2. Why Auction-Only? Our commitment to auction-only sales stems from a desire to maintain equal opportunity access. Every customer has a chance to bid on and purchase these items, ensuring a level playing field.

  3. Discovering Unique Finds: Superdeals auctions are an opportunity to discover a wide range of valuable items. From electronics to jewellery, the diversity of our auction items caters to varied interests and needs.

  4. Transparent Bidding Process: Our Trade Me auctions are conducted with utmost transparency. Bidders can see real-time updates, ensuring an honest and straightforward bidding environment.

  5. No Direct Purchase Option: Superloans does not offer a direct purchase option for Superdeals. All transactions are carried out through the auction process, aligning with our policy of fairness and transparency.

  6. How to Participate in Auctions: Participating in our auctions is simple and accessible. Interested buyers can easily register for our auctions, enjoying the thrill of bidding on high-quality, pre-owned items.

  7. Stay Updated on Auction Schedules: To make the most of our Superdeals, we recommend staying informed about upcoming auction dates and listings. Regularly check our website or subscribe to our branch's Trade Me Watchlists so you can keep ahead in the auction game.

Can you do a buy now on Superdeals?

Understanding the Auction-Exclusive Process for Superdeals

If you're eyeing an item from Superloans Superdeals, it's crucial to understand our exclusive auction-based selling approach. Here's what you need to know about our commitment to the full auction process:

  1. No 'Buy Now' Option: At Superloans, we maintain a strict policy where every item in our Superdeals inventory must go through the complete auction process. This means that we do not offer a 'Buy Now' option for immediate purchase.

  2. Commitment to Fairness: The reason behind this policy is our commitment to ensuring a fair and transparent bidding environment. By adhering strictly to the auction process, we provide equal opportunities for all interested buyers to participate.

  3. Engaging Auction Experience: Our Trade Me auctions offer an engaging and dynamic shopping experience. Bidders have the chance to compete for a diverse range of quality items, from valuable electronics to exquisite jewellery.

  4. Transparent Bidding Process: Transparency is key in our auctions. Participants can see real-time bids, ensuring a straightforward and honest bidding environment.

  5. How to Participate in Auctions: Joining our auctions is a simple and accessible process. Interested buyers can register to participate, enjoying the excitement of bidding for high-quality, pre-owned items.

  6. Stay Informed About Auction Listings: To make the most of our Superdeals, we recommend staying updated on upcoming auction dates and item listings. Regular visits to our website or subscribing to Trade Me Watch lists for notifications will keep you informed and ready to bid.

  7. Auction Benefits: Our auction-exclusive approach ensures fairness and adds to the thrill of acquiring unique items. Each auction is a new opportunity to discover and bid on something special.

Superscore FAQs

What is Superscore?

Understanding Superscore: Your Key to Smarter Borrowing with Superloans

Superscore rewards our customers when they make scheduled payments on their Express loan or redeem a Pawn Loan. These actions earn you points in our Superscore program. As you continue to accumulate points, your Superscore increases. The higher your Superscore, the more advantages you can enjoy:

  1. Access to Larger Loans: With a higher Superscore, you'll have access to larger loan amounts. This means you can borrow more money when you need it.

  2. Lower Interest Rates: We reward your loyalty and responsible borrowing by offering lower interest rates as your Superscore grows. This means you'll pay less in interest over the life of your loans.

  3. Improved Credit Score: Superscore also contributes to improving your credit score beyond our services. We provide comprehensive credit reporting, which means your positive financial behaviour with us can enhance your credit history and profile in the wider credit industry.

What are the Superscore points worth?

Superscore is a straightforward and rewarding system for our customers: each Superscore point you earn holds a tangible value of $1. This means that your Superscore directly correlates with your available credit limit.

Here's a breakdown to illustrate how it works:

  • Superscore Points: Every time you make a payment on your Express loan or engage with a Pawn Loan by redeeming or extending it, you earn Superscore points.

  • Superscore Value: Each Superscore point you accumulate is equivalent to $1 added to your credit limit.

For example, if you've accrued 1000 Superscore points, it translates to a credit limit of $1000 that you can access.

How do I keep track of my Superscore points?

Maximize Your Financial Control with the My Superloans App

Effortlessly Track Your Superscore Points. Stay on top of your financial game by logging into the My Superloans app. With our user-friendly interface, you can seamlessly monitor your Superscore points, empowering you with the knowledge to enhance your credit access.

Understand Your Credit Limit in Real-Time Discover the power of planning with our intuitive credit limit feature. As your Superscore climbs, so does your borrowing potential. Keep a tab on your available credit, and strategically manage your finances for future needs.

How does Superscore repair my credit score?

Enhancing Your Credit Score with Superscore

A higher credit score can lead to better loan terms, lower interest rates, and improved borrowing capacity in the future. Comprehensive credit reporting provides a more accurate representation of your financial behaviour, demonstrating reliability to lenders.

Superscore's Role in Credit Reporting:

  • Collaboration with Centrix: Superscore provides detailed credit reporting to Centrix, a leading credit bureau.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: This approach includes not just your credit activities but also captures your positive financial behaviours.

Positive Financial Behaviour and Its Impact:

  • Regular Repayments: This is recorded when you borrow from Superloans and consistently make timely repayments according to our credit terms.
  • Adherence to Credit Terms: Following the agreed terms of your loan contributes to a positive report to Centrix.

The Benefits of Comprehensive Reporting:

  • Credit Score Improvement: Each act of responsible borrowing and repayment is reported, gradually enhancing your credit score over time.
  • Building Creditworthiness: This process is vital for individuals aiming to improve their credit standing and financial health.


How many Superscore points do I receive?

Understanding Superscore Points for Express and Pawn Loans

When it comes to Superscore points for Express and Pawn Loans, there are essential factors to consider:

Express Loan Superscore Points:

1. Pay Frequency: The number of Superscore points earned with each successful Express Loan payment is tied to how often you receive your salary or income 

  • Weekly: 100 points
  • Fortnightly: 200 points
  • Monthly: 400 points

2. Loan Status: Your loan's status is critical. If your loan is not in arrears (meaning you're up to date with payments), you can earn the full Superscore points for your payments. However, a different rule applies if your loan falls into arrears (you've missed one or more payments).

  • Loan in arrears: You will still earn Superscore points for successful payments but at a reduced rate. Specifically, you will receive only half of the normal Superscore points until the loan is brought up to date by making the overdue payments.

Pawn Loan Superscore Points:

For Pawn Loans, Superscore points are determined by redeeming the pawned item:

  • Redeem the item: 200 points

What happens if I miss an Express Loan payment or don’t redeem a Pawn Loan?

Understanding the Impact of Missed Payments and Unredeemed Pawn Loans

1. Consequences of Missed Payments on Express Loans:

  • Superscore Point Deduction: Missing a payment on your Express Loan will reduce your Superscore points. This is a direct consequence of non-compliance with the loan repayment terms.
  • Importance of Timely Payments: It's crucial to understand that timely repayments are a significant factor in maintaining a healthy Superscore.

2. Effects on Pawn Loans When Not Redeemed:

  • Loss of Superscore Points: Failing to redeem your Pawn Loan, similar to missed payments on an Express Loan, decreases your Superscore points.
  • Decision Impact: Whether you choose to extend the loan or not redeem the pawned item, each decision affects your Superscore differently.

3. Monitoring and Managing Your Superscore:

  • Track Superscore Changes: Stay informed about your Superscore fluctuations by checking your status through My Superloans.
  • Comprehensive Overview: My Superloans provides a detailed view of your Superscore points. 

Hardship FAQs

What supporting documents do I need to provide?

Understanding Hardship Assistance at Superloans: Required Documents

When seeking hardship assistance from Superloans, providing the right documentation is crucial. Here's a detailed guide on the necessary documents, tailored to fit various circumstances:

  1. Employment-Related Documents:

    • Email from Employer: A communication confirming changes in your employment status.
    • Employment Termination Notice: Official notification of your employment termination.
    • Redundancy Letter: A formal letter from your employer detailing redundancy.
  2. Financial Advisory Correspondence:

    • Email from a Budget Advisor: Professional advice or assessment regarding your financial situation.
  3. Health-Related Proof:

    • Medical Certificate: A document from a medical professional certifying your health condition.
    • Medical Report: Detailed medical documentation explaining your current health status.
  4. Government and Legal Documents:

  5. Family and Parenting Agreements:

    • Parenting Agreement or Support Payments: Legal documents pertaining to parenting arrangements or child support.

How long will it take to decide on my application?

Superloans' Hardship Assistance: Application Decision Timeline

Understanding the urgency of financial hardships, Superloans prioritises prompt responses to hardship assistance applications. Here's what you need to know about our decision timeline:

  • 24-Hour Response Commitment: Superloans ensures a swift decision-making process. We guarantee a response within 24 hours following the receipt of your complete application and all necessary supporting documents.

How long am I able to receive assistance for?

Duration of Hardship Assistance with Superloans: Tailored to Your Needs

At Superloans, we understand that each individual's situation is unique, especially when it comes to financial hardship. Here's an overview of how we determine the length of assistance we provide:

  • Personalised Assistance Duration: The period for which you can receive hardship assistance from Superloans is carefully tailored to your specific circumstances. We don't have a one-size-fits-all approach; instead, we consider the nuances of your situation.

  • Detailed Discussion During Application: We believe in open and transparent communication. During the application process, our team will engage in a thorough discussion with you to understand your needs. This conversation is crucial in determining the most suitable duration of assistance for you.

What does it cost to apply?

Understanding Costs for Hardship Assistance Applications at Superloans

When considering applying for hardship assistance from Superloans, it's important to understand the associated costs. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • No Application Fee: Applying for hardship assistance at Superloans is cost-free. We do not charge any fees for reviewing and considering your application.

  • Potential Contract Change Fees: While the application process incurs no charges, fees may apply if your application is accepted and changes your existing contract. These fees are only applied to cover the administrative costs of modifying your contract terms.

  • Transparent Cost Structure: We believe in complete transparency regarding any potential fees. You can view a comprehensive list of all our costs here. This link will guide you to detailed information about our fee structure, ensuring you have all the necessary information upfront.

Can I apply for hardship assistance in store?

Applying for Hardship Assistance In-Store at Superloans: What You Need to Know

Superloans welcomes you to apply for hardship assistance directly at our stores. Here's a detailed guide to ensure a smooth in-store application process:

  • In-Store Applications Welcomed: Yes, you can absolutely apply for hardship assistance in person at any Superloans store. Our friendly staff are ready to assist you through the process.

  • Bring Necessary Documentation: To expedite your application, it's essential to come prepared with all relevant supporting documents. This includes any paperwork substantiating your hardship claim, such as financial statements, employment records, medical reports, or other pertinent documentation.

  • Streamlined Process for Efficiency: By bringing the necessary documents, you can ensure a more efficient and quicker application process. Our in-store team will review your documents on the spot and guide you through the next steps.

What happens if I'm not happy with the outcome?

Navigating Outcomes of Hardship Assistance Applications at Superloans

When you apply for hardship assistance at Superloans, understanding the process and options available in case of a declined application is crucial. Here's a detailed explanation:

  • Notification of Decision: Superloans will promptly inform you of the outcome after carefully assessing your hardship assistance application. We ensure timely communication so you're not left in uncertainty.

  • Reason for Decline Provided: In instances where an application is declined, we believe in transparency. Superloans will explain the reasons behind the decision, helping you understand the factors involved.

  • Dispute Resolution Path: Your satisfaction and understanding of the process are important to us. If you disagree with the decision made regarding your hardship assistance application, you can contact the Financial Dispute Resolution Service. This external body offers an avenue for further review and resolution.

  • Financial Dispute Resolution Contact: We recommend reaching out to the Financial Dispute Resolution Service (FSDR) for an impartial review. Their expertise in handling financial disputes can provide additional perspectives and solutions.